Monday was playdate day at our house. The boys are gone all day on Mondays so we decided to invite a friend over to play. I'm beginning to see a few similarities between my little girl & myself. Here's what I noticed about Kennedy.. she LOVES her friends & she LOVES to be around them and have fun, BUT she likes her alone time. In the past few weeks she's had a few opportunities to have friends over to play and about 1 hour into it she comes downstairs to escape and play alone. She's over it in about 5 minutes & they are back to playing, but she needs a little downtime. Don't we all?
The two little Miss "K"s. They were sad to say goodbye- it was really cute.
And look who can FINALLY eat real food! He's still not great at it, but he's picking it up and putting it in his mouth all by himself! HOORAY FOR KEAGAN. Still not walking, not even close.
by emily