enjoying the process » loving the journey, not just the destination

Being Thankful…

Last night at Bible Study we went around the room and mentioned all the things we are thankful for.. not superficial things like iced coffees and new lenses (which I am VERY thankful for, by the way), but things like the JOY of our salvation, the TRUTH being taught from our very own pulpit, technology that allows us to listen to the TRUTH of God’s Word wherever we go- in the car, on our computers, on our ipod as we walk through the grocery store- so that our minds may be transformed! It was such a great time of giving thanks to God for all things.

Well, I am also thankful for my children- I mentioned last night that I am VERY thankful that I am able to stay at home with my kids. I would be so sad to miss out on any of the cute little things they say and do throughout the day.


Yesterday, Canyon & Kennedy were playing in his bedroom together and I gave them one rule: NO Tattling!  So about 20 minutes later, Canyon comes out of his room and says, "Mom, I have a joke for you.  ….. Why is the person jumping on the bed?"  Holding back a smile, I said, "I don’t know, Canyon, why is the person jumping on the bed?"  To which he replied, "Becuase the other person told her not to and she didn’t listen."  🙂 THat’s probably the funniest thing I’ve ever ever heard him say!  I LOVE being a mommy !!!

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