enjoying the process » loving the journey, not just the destination

Sorry if the color looks funky…

My monitor died this weekend & I had to replace it with a loaner until my REAL monitor is fixed. This one is not calibrated properly & so all of my photos are WAY too bright & I know the color is off. So, sorry if my photos look strange- or maybe your monitor isn’t calibrated properly & my photos look perfectly normal 🙂  Anywho (said in a really high pitched, kinda sing-songy voice)… February was a VERY busy month for us. 4 of my close friends had babies in February! I had 4 baby showers (1 more to come next weekend:), 2 birthday parties- one for my own child, my best friend’s birthday, park playdates, Valentine’s Day, James went away for an entire weekend to golf, my niece turned 16!, our VERY large tax appointment that I had to prepare for, my mother-in-law’s birthday, 3 design projects and 1 photo shoot (which was cancelled).  Not to mention home-schooling and just being pregnant. I’m tired!  I’m not complainng, just listing.. mostly so I’ll have it for journaling in my scrapbook. 
All that to say- I’m taking the month of March off!  We had no plans on Saturday or Sunday & I’m looking at my calendar right now & we have no plans for today either! Hip Hip Hooray!  So today my plan is.. to catch up on laundry, have school time with the kids (a long lesson today), take some pictures outside, play with the kids A LOT, do my February layout for my scrapbook, tag & organize my photos for February and make dinner… go to bed at 8:30pm.  We’ll see if that really happens. 🙂 Oh… I wanted to share just a few photos of the babies born this month … Enjoy.



How many ladies do you think fit into my kitchen Friday night?  Well, a lot. This wasn’t even everyone- Brenda is so loved! And look at all those babies!  It’s not easy being last in line…only a few more days left for me! Until next time….e.

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