Not related to Kenny G (that I know of, anyway). It’s her birthday today.
Happy Birthday Sweet Friend. I like you a lot. You’re really nice. Very Selfless. A Great Gift Giver. Fashion Savvy. Joyful & Happy all the time. The Model Wife. A FUN Mommy. An Amazing Friend. I’m so blessed to have met you way back when roller blading was awesome. Can you even imagine me on roller blades now? Or any other type of sporting paraphernalia ? I hope you had a WONDERFUL day & I can’t wait to see you!!!
I can’t show you what I got her because I haven’t given it to her yet, but I can show you what she got me for my birthday (last August). I told you she’s the BEST gift giver, right?
by emily
Melinda Cassol - I love Hallie! Everything you said is so true of her! Happy Birthday my dear friend Hallie!
Hallie - I don’t know what to say. Ok, I can probably come up with something…thank you! You’re so nice. And no, you should never re-visit the roller blading era. Oh, and me and Kenny…we are tight!
Sara - sweet post. It makes me think of the Michael W Smith song, “friends are friends forever…” 🙂 thought that was appropriate, with the roller blading comment.
I like the old pic of you two. And I love yellow and gray. 🙂
jenny - I once dressed in drag with this girl. Can girls dress in drag? Well, if that’s what you call it, that’s what we did. It was pretty, let me tell you. I’ve never seen anyone look so much like men wearing dresses as we did that day. Sigh. Ah, the good old times!! Happy birthday!!!