Today started out with mountain biking. Not me, of course. Just James and Eric. I would always rather stay in bed on a Saturday- especially when it’s our first Saturday home pretty much all year. But James is a different kind of human. He likes pain. and exercise. Wish I had a little more of that. But I’m going to be honest, I was very happy to stay in bed. The weather was perfect lazy day weather. Cloudy, cool, gray. Just perfect. Weird since it was 90 degrees earlier this week.
Keagan brought me coffee in bed. He’s a keeper! Look at that sweet smile. I love that boy!
James came home from riding and the big boys watched basketball for a little while. Our church is having a Sports Day for dads and kids so he’s going to take all 6 kids out and let me have the house to myself. He’s a keeper too!
Sports Day at the park. The kids had a blast.
I stayed in bed and watched video tutorials on InDesign. I’m thinking about doing my WITL project as a magazine. After the park, some of the kids took naps. James and Cade cleaned the garage- SO HAPPY about that!! Chloe face-timed with her friend Bella. I listened to Cat Stevens on vinyl and did some of our never-ending laundry 🙂
James did his regular bedtime routine: very loud. very fun. The kids love it so much. I usually shut my door because… did I mention how LOUD it is? But tonight I documented.
This little girl is having a hard time at night. Every night. She’s scared. She wrote out a few verses and she sleeps with them but she’s still scared 🙁
Then… as a pre-Mother’s Day snack, I made the teenagers watch the Goldbergs with me. I love Beverly. She’s the reason I call my kids “BabyMuffin” and “Schmoopy”
Bedtime. Tonight is my Christmas Eve. Tomorrow is gonna be AWESOME- I love Mother’s Day!
by emily
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